Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper

                                       Life Is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper                                                                                               
   There will come a time when reality awakens you to the present state of your own immortality.  Mine came at the age of seventy-two in the form of a stroke that left my cognitive abilities slightly diminished until I found ways, along with therapy, to aid me in my quest to regain a good portion of my cognitive abilities.  For a while, I had to substitute words that would fit the thought I was trying to convey.  I pulled out every trick in the book to try to regain as much as I could to restore and increase the reaction to recall words that were once a conditioned response.  I'd play those free word games that are stuck on my cell phone that put my memory to the test.  The real shock came when a good friend called from Washington D.C. to check on my progress and as best I could, tried to hold a conversation without sounding like a three-year-old.  Finding words to put together that made sense was a chore and I remember asking him about his own health and sadly one month later he died of COVID-19.  We were both up in age and still breathing air without thoughts of shuffling off this mortal coil just yet.  But realize that we are all just specks on the timeline of eternity, and we are not here forever.   It was a scary time and after almost 47 years in the medical field. not giving too much consideration to my own peace of mind. Spending almost 56 hours a week in an operating room doesn't give you much time for anything else.
 And this brings me to the title of this blog. About 20 years ago a patient and I were having a general conversation about life and the way things have changed.  Then he introduced me to a saying I have used for the last 20 years. It goes like this, "Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes."  Take a minute to think about that and the truth that this simple statement makes. 

Stay Healthy


21 Days To A Better You

by: Jeanne Angel St.Cyr

   How you see yourself in your mind is what you are going to manifest in your life. You will always rise above your own perceived expectations. How do see yourself? Are you a positive, outgoing individual? Or are you a quiet little mouse hiding in the corner afraid of the future?

  You have control over your mind and emotions, simply put you have the power already inside you to determine which path your life will follow. You can reprogram your mind through meditations, positive thoughts, and saying or writing out positive affirmations. The word affirmations means to make true. What do you want to change in your life?

   Make a list. Number your list in order of importance to you. Decide what one thing you want to work on. Only one goal or dream at a time, so as not to overload yourself. It has been said that it takes only 21 days to make or break a habit. You could be only 21 days from your greatest successes! How great would that be? You may feel that you have a long way to go, but look back at how far you've already come?

   I quote from my book, "Inspirations", page 36: "Don't stay locked away in a prison of remorse, of things done or not done, of choices made or not made. Let yourself be free and enjoy a brand new beginning!" And on the very next page, page 37, it says: "Now is the time. Do not delay. No more excuses, just start now!" On page 49, I quote: "If you don't take action on your dreams and ideas, how can you expect to manifest success? You must take the 1st step, no one else can do it for you! Your never too old and it's never too late to start. Seize the moment, and take that 1st step!

About The Author

Jeanne Angel St.Cyr is the Author of "Inspirations" 

The Self-Sufficient Backyard: Homegrown food, water conservation, renewable, energy.

                               Help yourself, help your friends, help your neighbors.   Things are about to get tough for many people. You m...