Showing posts with label collagen.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collagen.. Show all posts

Growing Younger, Is It Possible?


  I remember in the not-too-distant past, folks started noticing that people who were living healthier lifestyles were living longer, which makes perfect sense.  For at least a few hundred years there has been an effort to find the fountain of youth to out whit Mother Nature.  Since 1474 the famed Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon the idea of the Fountain of Youth has intrigued everyone.  The obsession is to maintain youth, stay wrinkle-free, and keep from shuffling off the mortal coil for as long as possible.  It conjures up the novel written by Oscar Wilde in 1891, The Picture of Dorian Gray, a story about a young man who purchases eternal youth at the expense of his soul.  That is a little far-fetched for today's expectations, but you know where I'm going with this...right?  So where are we today on this quest to look younger, there are a few things to look into while you wait for the fountain. 

  To improve the appearance of aging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines look into products that contain Hyaluronic acid; which helps retain moisture and plumps up the shin.  

Antioxidants; include green tea, and vitamin E, ingredients lessen sun damage that threatens collagen.

Amino-peptides; stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity.

Niacinamide; helps reduce redness and improve skin tone.

  These are but a few ingredients found in anti-aging creams, but let it be known that you should always consult a dermatologist, and of course, it goes along with a healthy diet.

 Stay Healthy



The Self-Sufficient Backyard: Homegrown food, water conservation, renewable, energy.

                               Help yourself, help your friends, help your neighbors.   Things are about to get tough for many people. You m...