Showing posts with label mentally active. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mentally active. Show all posts

3 Things You Should Know About Cognitive Decline

  Here are the three important things to know about cognitive decline:

1. - Gradual Changes in Thinking Abilities:

    - Cognitive decline refers to the gradual loss of thinking abilities such as learning, remembering, paying attention, and reasoning.

    - As people age, some mild cognitive decline is typical. However, significant changes may indicate an underlying mental disorder.

    - There are four recognized stages of cognition as people age:

        - No Cognitive Impairment (NCI): No noticeable differences in thinking ability or complex cognitive skills.

        - Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD): Some decline in thinking abilities but not enough to interfere with daily functioning.

        - Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): Decline in reasoning, memory, language use, judgment, and perception.

        - Dementia: Difficulty with daily activities like driving, paying bills, and self-care.

2.- Signs of Cognitive Decline:

    - While cognitive decline varies from person to person, some common signs include:

        - Difficulty finding the right words to express oneself.

        - Losing or misplacing items.

        - Forgetting appointments and scheduled events.

        - Feeling overwhelmed by complex tasks and projects.

    - It's essential to differentiate between typical forgetfulness and cognitive decline. Regular forgetfulness doesn't necessarily indicate cognitive decline.

3. - When to Seek Medical Attention:

    - If you experience any of the following signs, consider visiting a healthcare professional:

        - Getting lost in once-familiar areas.

        - Becoming frustrated with communication difficulties.

    - Early detection and intervention can help manage cognitive decline effectively.

This affiliate links to Neuro-Thrive a product that improves memory, focus, and mental clarity.  I may get a commission if you click on it and purchase.

Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying mentally active, and seeking professional advice can improve brain health as you age. 😊

Stay Healthy


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