Depression: A Battle You Can Win


 Because of a recent incident that happened, I felt compelled to do this post that could be of some help to you or someone you know who could use this information. Please share!

 Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be challenging to know how to help someone who is struggling with depression, but there are several things you can do to support them.

 Here are some tips to help someone with depression:

  1. Recognize the symptoms: Learn about the symptoms of depression so that you can recognize them in your loved one. Symptoms may include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, irritability, and fatigue, among others 1.

  2. Be supportive: Let your loved one know that you are there for them and that you care about them. Encourage them to talk about their feelings and listen without judgment 1.

  3. Encourage treatment: Encourage your loved one to seek professional help. Treatment for depression may include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Offer to help them find a therapist or doctor if they need it 12.

  4. Take care of yourself: Supporting someone with depression can be emotionally taxing, so it’s essential to take care of yourself too. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking time for yourself 1.

  Remember that depression is a treatable condition, and with the right support, your loved one can recover. If you’re unsure how to help, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for guidance 123.  

  Stay Healthy


The following is an affiliate link that has helped thousands with depression.  Click Below to find out more.

You're Never Too Old to Exercise

  Staying active is important for older adults to maintain their health and independence. Here are some tips to help them stay motivated to exercise:

 -Make it fun: Try to find ways to make exercise enjoyable and interesting. Some people like to walk on a treadmill at the gym, while others find that kind of activity boring. Be creative and try new activities to keep your interest alive. Do things you enjoy but pick up the pace. Do all four types of exercise — endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. The variety helps keep things interesting!

- Find ways to fit exercise into your day: You are more likely to exercise if it’s a convenient part of your day. Try exercising first thing in the morning or combine physical activity with a task that’s already part of your day, such as walking the dog or doing household chores.

- Make exercise a social activity: Many people agree that an “exercise buddy” keeps them going. Take a walk during lunch with coworkers or try a dance class — salsa, tango, square dancing — it’s up to you. Use family gatherings as a time to play team sports or do outdoor activities.

- Keep track of your exercise progress: The best way to stay motivated is to measure and celebrate your successes. Make an exercise and physical activity plan that works for you and track your daily physical activity. Find new ways to increase your physical activity and keep track of your monthly progress to see improvement.  If you need any inspiration, google Dick Van Dyke who as of now is 97 years old and has some good advice for you to stay active.

Stay Healthy


The Skyliners

    I'm going off the beaten course with this one remembering back in the early years of DoWop, when I was around 13 years old when radi...