Blood Sugar spike: Cause and Effect

  A blood sugar spike is a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, often brought on when eating too much food containing carbohydrates. When you eat food containing carbohydrates, your body breaks down the carbohydrates into a simple sugar called glucose. Glucose then enters your bloodstream. When the amount of glucose in your blood rises, it sends a signal to your pancreas to release a hormone called insulin. Insulin’s job is to act like a key to unlock the doors of different cells in your body. This allows glucose to leave the bloodstream and enter the cells to be used for energy or be stored for later use. Without insulin, glucose stays in the bloodstream, causing blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels to rise too high. This can lead to serious health problems.

  Symptoms of a blood sugar spike vary from person to person and may include blurry vision, dry mouth, fatigue, headache, increased thirst, and frequent urination. Sometimes, blood sugar spike symptoms are subtle and go unnoticed, but you feel it when the spike resolves and your blood sugar drops. This can cause low blood sugar symptoms such as anxiety, confusion, dizziness, hunger, irritability, nervousness, shaking, and sweating 1

To manage and prevent blood sugar spikes from occurring, it’s important to monitor your carbohydrate intake and choose foods that are low on the glycemic index (GI). The GI is a measure of how quickly foods containing carbohydrates raise your blood sugar levels 1You can also try incorporating more fiber into your diet or increasing your physical activity level 1.

Click the following link, and listen to the presentation to find out how to reverse Type 2 Diabetes:

Stay Healthy


Understanding Loneliness


  Loneliness is a state of mind that can affect your mental health and self-esteem. Loneliness is known to increase the risk of developing depression, anxiety, and even dementia. People who live alone often crave human contact but their state of mind makes it hard to connect.  Other circumstances may be the cause of their condition such as physical isolation, loss of a loved one, illness or disability, and transitioning into retirement.

Helping someone who feels lonely can make a significant difference in their well-being. Here are some strategies you can consider:

- Be There: Simply being present for someone can provide comfort. Reach out and ask how they're feeling. Sometimes, knowing that someone is there to listen can alleviate loneliness.

- Assure Them: Let the person know that feeling lonely is completely normal. Reassure them that it's possible to feel better with the right help.

- Encourage Social Connections:

    - Join a Class or Club: Encourage them to participate in activities they enjoy. Whether it's an art class, exercise group, or book club, joining such groups exposes them to people who share similar interests. It also provides a sense of belonging and helps stave off loneliness.

    - Volunteer: Volunteering for a cause they believe in can also help. It allows them to meet others, be part of a group, and create new experiences.

- Seek Professional Help: If their loneliness persists, suggest seeking professional assistance. They can talk to a friend, family member, health professional, or counselor. Organizations like Samaritans offer support and someone to talk to.

Remember that small gestures of kindness and understanding can go a long way in helping someone combat loneliness. 

  If you know someone lonely, just being there for them and having a conversation goes a long way to make a big difference in their mindset.  

    Stay Healthy


The following is an affiliate link to  Destroy Depression System a program designed to help you or someone you know to overcome depression.  If you click this link and purchase I may make a commission.

About Extra Virgin Olive Oil Benefits for Health, Diet and Weight-Loss

 An introduction as to why you should include extra virgin olive oil in your diet and the facts you may find interesting.

 Olive oil is a popular oil used in cooking and has several benefits.  According to experts in nutrition eating extra virgin olive oil contains a high percentage of heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory monosaturated fats and anti-toxicant polyphenol compounds.  Consuming as little as a tablespoon a day is associated with a 14% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, compared to those who don't. 

  Extra virgin olive is a natural source of antioxidants and healthy unsaturated fats that promote long-term health by fighting inflammation and chronic disease.  

 Other benefits include lowering heart disease,

 Decreasing inflammation and stroke, 

 Improving skin health, 

 Weight loss,

 Improving brain function,

 Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, 

 Reducing the risk of certain cancers.

  If you will use EVOO to help lose weight here are a couple of additional facts that will give you more insight; monounsaturated fatty acids (mufa) found in extra virgin olive oil are the beneficial fats that promote weight loss.  

  Medium-chain triglycerides, broken down and absorbed by the liver may enhance calorie burning. 

  Those who subscribe to the Mediterranean diet will find the diet uses olive oil as the primary fat source, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds.

  More than just hype, extra virgin olive oil, is the less processed product that maintains the component oleocanthal, which protects LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidation. You need to consider some things when buying Evoo (extra virgin olive oil).  Let's start with the container, it should be of glass and dark to avoid oxidation. Next, carefully examine the label to see if vegetable oil has been added. To ensure a more recent product, check the manufacturer's date since time and heat lessen the properties and the acidity is up to 0.8%.  By checking these things you can be assured that you are getting a good product.

  You should add extra virgin olive oil to take advantage of all the benefits that will enhance your well-being.

Stay  Healthy   


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  Click the link to find out more about how Olivine, the new Italian superfood can help you to lose 2-3 lbs. weekly.  

Communication; the key to a successful relationship

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                                                                                                              By M.N.Curry

  You can find quite a few books written on getting your Ex Back and making him fall crazy in love or how to blow his mind with a simple text, and so on but it goes without saying that real communication is the key to a good relationship, that's just a start.  Even with all the relevant information found within book pages and articles, it takes two to Tango, so to speak. There are other ingredients involved in this mix and according to Psychiatry Today; building a solid relationship includes, sharing values, having common interests, emotional support, physical intimacy, and the willingness to work through challenges. Relationships aren't one-sided or easy and will probably test your ego. I know couples who have been together for years, and I have observed that the main foundation of their success is putting each other's welfare at the center of the relationship.  Every relationship is unique and requires effort from both partners. So if you can honestly listen, control your emotions, pick up on body language, and be able to take a verbal body punch (take criticism) then you're in.  {Men, are you listening?}

  Many years ago my uncle told me, "You never really know a person until you live with them."  I found that to be true and I also found that you really should learn as much as you can about that person you plan to devote a great bit of your time to before your hormones take control. Today relationships have a few more considerations that need to be factored in like empathy, reliability, mutual respect, and having similar goals and values.  And be aware that some want to control and manipulate.  No one's perfect, keep that in mind while you think beyond the obvious.

Stay Healthy


  Get your relationship back on track. The following is an affiliate link and if you visit this site and make a purchase I may get a commission without any extra cost to you.  Click the link to find out more at Be Irresistible for a free presentation.

The Self-Sufficient Backyard: Homegrown food, water conservation, renewable, energy.

                               Help yourself, help your friends, help your neighbors.   Things are about to get tough for many people. You m...