A Gut-Wrenching Story with a Lifes Lesson, by M.N.Curry


  When I was younger and prone to stuffing my gut with stuff I liked rather than food that was healthy I would occasionally end up with a condition that the old folks categorized as being "Stopped Up". and suggested that I would do well with a big ole glass of prune juice follows by decent size bowl of brand flakes. Then there was always Ex-Lax, milk of magnesia, or magnesium citrate.  But the fact is, constipation can wreak more havoc on your internal system and the function of your brain than you may realize.  So, what's the relationship?  First, let me relate a short story that may give you some insight into an important lesson in life.

                             Who's in charge here!

                                                                                        by M.N.Curry

   Since the day man was first placed on this earth thousands of years ago, he was without real knowledge, his motivation had no foresight that would have given him the ability to anticipate what was to happen and no hindsight that would have given him the ability to analyze.  At some time during the bicameral age of man, even before the wisdom of the ancient doctors such as Herophilus or Hicesius and Hippocrates, it was thought that all his directions were given by the internal voices provided by the gods and he reacted to them without question, for who is man to question the wisdom of the gods. But later in his development of independent thinking the brain began to establish reasoning through thought, and at some point in this transition, the brain started to make independent choices and decisions relying on the results of hindsight and foresight assessments.  At this point, the influence of the Greek gods is beginning to diminish and the brain now has the sole responsibility for man's survival, with no internal voices of the gods for guidance internal situations must be addressed. The arms that can grab and hold have their limits, and the legs that can transport have important duties to perform and may become weak and painful. Still, there's one part of the body that is being ignored that will prove more or as important than them all, and failure to recognize its presence will prove vital to man's existence.  More often than not the brain fails to recognize the serious signals of stress and overlooks the importance of the role that the other critical functions like the liver the kidneys and a couple more are just as important in keeping things in proper working order.    But one of the most important of them all is the intestine whose job it is to digest food, absorb nutrients, and remove waste. and it also produces hormones that transmit messages throughout the body as well as regulating water and fighting germs.  So if the intestine decides to shut down because it's being abused, the body becomes weak, and the brain becomes confused and disoriented.  Now the brain is dependent on the intestines for a little relief and if the intestines should hold off for a while, things could get a lot worse.  The moral of this story is if you want to get your point across and get others to pay attention and acknowledge your presence just act like an asshole!

  Can you see the relationship between chronic constipation and an increased risk of cognitive decline? Recent research has highlighted the connection between gut health and brain function, including conditions like Alzheimer's disease. Specifically, individuals experiencing less frequent bowel movements (about once every three days or less) have a 73% higher chance of subjective cognitive decline. In fact, chronic constipation can lead to cognition comparable to three years of aging.

  Drinking more water is also a beneficial step in keeping things moving along! Adequate hydration helps maintain regular bowel movements and supports overall health. Consider increasing your water intake to promote better gut function and potentially reduce the risk of cognitive decline. 

Remember, taking care of your gut may be a pathway to safeguarding your brain health!

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A Wise Old Man Once Told Me.....


  Let us remember that the wisdom of senior citizens comes with experience and knowledge. The way information is being disseminated these days has become lost in a forest of misinformation to a point where the knowledge, common sense, and wisdom of the elders may be a guide out of the wilderness.

The Wisdom of Senior Citizens: 

  Insights for a Fulfilling Life Introduction Age is just a number, but wisdom is timeless. As we journey through life, we encounter challenges, joys, and moments of reflection. With their wealth of experience, senior citizens offer valuable insights that can enrich our lives. In this blog post, I'll explore the wisdom these seasoned individuals share.

1. Embracing Aging as a Privilege

  Jeanne Louise Calment, the oldest documented living human, once said, "I had to wait 110 years to become famous. I wanted to enjoy it as long as possible." Her upbeat attitude toward aging reminds us that growing old is a privilege denied to many. Let's embrace it and make the most of every moment.

2. Defying Age Stereotypes

  Senator John Glenn, the oldest person to board a U.S. Space Shuttle at age 77, believed that age shouldn't define us. The calendar may tell us our age but it shouldn't limit our potential. Opportunities abound regardless of our chronological years. Break free from age-based constraints and explore new horizons.

3. Cultivating Character Over Time

  Fashion icon Coco Chanel wisely noted, "Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty." Our expressions and character shape us as we age. Smile, and your facial wrinkles will have a friendlier feel. Cultivate kindness, resilience, and authenticity—it's never too late to shape your character.

4. Prioritizing Health and Well-Being

  Edward Stanley's words resonate: "Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and self-care contribute to a fulfilling life. Senior citizens understand the importance of maintaining physical and mental health.

5. Pursuing Dreams Regardless of Age

  Woody Allen humorously quipped, "You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred." While moderation matters, don't abandon your passions. Whether it's writing a novel, learning an instrument, or traveling, dreams know no age limits.


  As we honor the wisdom of senior citizens, let's remember that age isn't a barrier—it's an opportunity. Their insights remind us to cherish life, defy stereotypes, and prioritize well-being. So, let's learn from their experiences and create our own fulfilling journey, no matter our age.

  Feel free to share this blog post with your readers, and let me know if you need any further adjustments or additional content! 

  Most of you will not recognize any of the people mentioned in this post but their words have depth and meaning.

Stay Healthy



- Psychology Today

- ThatOneRule

- Five Star Senior Living

- Born to Be Boomers

Java Burn; Synergic Weight-Loss Review

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Java Burn: The Ultimate Coffee Companion for Weight Loss


  In our fast-paced lives, coffee is more than just a beverage—it's a ritual, a source of comfort, and often our morning lifeline. But what if your daily cup of joe could do more than just wake you up? Enter Java Burn, a groundbreaking, all-natural formula designed to enhance your metabolism's speed and efficiency. Let's dive into the details of this exciting coffee-based weight-loss product.

What Is Java Burn? 

   Java Burn is a dietary supplement formulated to be added to your coffee. It's not just any coffee booster; it's a powerful blend of natural ingredients that synergize to promote fat-burning and increased energy. Here's what makes Java Burn unique:

- Green Tea Extract: Packed with antioxidants, green tea extract fires up your metabolism, helping break down fat more effectively.

- Chromium: This essential mineral supports healthy blood sugar levels and contributes to weight loss by regulating insulin.

- L-carnitine: Known for its role in fat metabolism, L-carnitine helps convert stored fat into energy, powering your workouts and supporting heart health.

How Does Java Burn Work?

- Metabolism Boost: Java Burn turbocharges your metabolism, making your body more efficient at burning calories. It's like giving your metabolism a friendly nudge every morning.

- Energy Surge: Fueled by caffeine, Java Burn wakes you up and crushes those mid-morning cravings. Say goodbye to that doughnut temptation!

- Stress Reduction: The calming effects of Java Burn help combat stress, which can otherwise lead to emotional eating and weight gain.

- Detoxification: Java Burn aids digestion and detoxifies your body, promoting overall wellness.

How to Use Java Burn

- Mix It In Java Burn comes in an easy-to-consume powder form. Add it to your morning coffee, and you're ready.

- Consistency Matters: Each pouch lasts a month, so make it a part of your daily routine for sustained results.

Testimonials from Real Users- Carolyn A. from Hickory, NC: "I'm impressed by the results from Java Burn! It's helped me shed stubborn pounds without sacrificing my love for coffee."

- Andrew C. from Southland, TX: "Java Burn has transformed my coffee into a powerful weight loss aid. I've noticed a significant difference in my energy levels and cravings."

- Jamie R. from Plymouth, MI: "Java Burn is my secret weapon! It's helped me lose weight and feel more energized than ever before."


Java Burn isn't just about weight loss;, it's about enhancing your overall well-being. So, the next time you reach for your coffee mug, consider adding a scoop of Java Burn. Your morning routine might just become your weight loss journey!

Remember, consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement. And as always, enjoy your coffee guilt-free!

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only. Individual results may vary. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss regimen.

The following is an affiliate link and if clicked and a purchase is made I could get a commission at no extra cost.

Go here for the Java Burn presentation to learn more about this product.

I hope you find this blog post informative and engaging! If you have any other requests or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Stay Healthy


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